Once you've conducted your search, you can filter the results by narrowing down to a particular format (e.g., books or articles), publication year(s), author, subject area, etc., using the column on the left.

❶ Sort order
On top of the page you can select the sort order of the results. By default, results are ranked by Library (which means that items held by the TiU library are displayed first), but you can also use the 'Sort' drop-down menu to sort by Best Match (=relevancy), Author (A-Z), Date (Newest First), Date (Oldest First), or Title (A-Z).
❷ Held by Library
Tick the Tilburg University checkbox if you only want materials the TiU library provides access to.
❸ Format
Are you specifically looking for books or articles? Choose your format here.
➍ Content Type
This filter allows you narrow down your results by different types of content, including Peer Reviewed. Note that ticking Peer Reviewed will only show scholarly articles.
➎ Publication year
Depending on your information need, you can filter your results by Last 5/10/25 years or a Publication Year/ Custom Year Range.
➏ Subject
If a search produces a lot of results, the filter Subject is very useful. It shows different clickable aspects for your topic.