What is ProQuest?
ProQuest is actually not a database, it's a platform that hosts many databases. You can access ProQuest via the A to Z Database list.

Basic Search
The front page of ProQuest is the Basic Search. To choose the database(s) you want to search, click on the Change Databases ➊ tab.
This will lead you to the Select Databases page (shown below), where all databases on the ProQuest platform that Tilburg University Library has access to are listed. You can select the databases you want to search here. Any one of the ProQuest databases can also be selected from the A to Z Database list.

Search tips
- Limiting your search
- Select one of the buttons above the search box ➋ to limit your search to a particular type of content, e.g. scholarly journals.
- Peer reviewed content
Select the Peer reviewed checkbox ➌ to limit your search to research that has been evaluated by people in the same field in order to maintain quality.
- Do NOT tick the Full text checkbox ❹! A publication that is not full-text available in ProQuest may be available through another TiU database. If so, a link is provided in the record.
- How ProQuest interprets your search
ProQuest will retrieve documents containing all your search terms, appearing in any field (document titles, authors, subjects, full text, etc.). For example, a search on healthy eating is the same as a search for healthy AND eating. The search will not retrieve results with just the word healthy or just the word eating.