❶ Modify search
Click 'Modify search' to make changes to your current search.
❷ Sort order
The 'Sorted by' menu controls the sort order of the records that were found. 'Most recent first' is the default sort order. You can also sort by relevance and oldest first.
❸ Limits/filters
Use the 'Limit to' feature to apply additional limits (filters) to refine your results. Some of the main limits include:
- Full text (do not check this filter: see 5);
- Peer reviewed (enables you to rapidly filter to peer-reviewed articles);
- Source type;
- Publication date;
- Subject;
- Document;
- Publication title (e.g., journal title).
❹ Source types in ProQuest
ProQuest includes multiple source types, e.g. scholarly journals, trade journals, magazines, books, blogs, reports, conference papers, working papers, and more.
❺ Full text & TiUfinder 
Not all records have full text available from ProQuest and you may only have a link to view the Abstract/Details. In such cases the TiUfinder icon will appear, allowing you to check if the full text is available through the TiU library.