The Groups feature in EndNote enables you to organise your library without resorting to the creation of multiple libraries. References can belong to several different groups or be deleted from a group while always remaining available in All References. Groups can be renamed or deleted. Several Groups can be merged into one new Group. Group Sets can be formed. All of the Groups will appear on the left panel under My Library.
1. Use Custom Groups to manually group references
Select Groups > Create Group.
Enter a name for the group.
Click on All References to view the references in your library. Highlight references you wish to add to the Group (use Ctrl+click to select multiple references. Use Shift+click to select a group of references).
Select Groups > Add References to > Group name.
2. Use Group Sets to organise your numerous groups
Select Groups > Create Group Set OR right click on My Groups > Create Group Set.
Enter a name for the Group Set.
To create new groups under the Group Set: right click on the Group Set, select Create Group and enter a name.
To add existing groups to the Group Set: left click on a group and drag to the Group Set.
3. Use Smart Groups to automatically add references to a group with specific criteria
Select Groups > Create Smart Group.
A search box will appear. Enter a name in the Smart Group Name box.
Enter criteria for your search using the drop-down menus and text boxes.
Click Create.
A new Group will appear under Smart Groups in the left panel.
Smart Groups are denoted by a light bulb/magnifying glass icon
Every new reference added to your library will automatically be added to the Smart Group if it meets the criteria you set.
Beware: if you delete a reference from a smart group, it will also be deleted from your All References list!