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EndNote: Add references manually

A guide to using EndNote X9

Add references manually

Click the button 'New Reference' or go to
top bar > references > new reference (CTRL+N)

An empty Reference window appears in which citation data can be entered by hand. 





TIP: a quick way to add journal articles manually is to add the doi in the specific field. Close the window and save. Then go to the menu and choose: References > Find Reference Updates.  





New references appear as Journal Article, the default setting. Select the appropriate reference type from the drop-down menu, and enter data into fields as described below. Not all fields have to be used. Use the Enter key to begin a new line in the same field; use the Tab key to jump to the next field.

1. Guidelines for adding authors

Field How to Example
Author name lastname, firstname is recommended. Use periods after initials or a space between initials

Smith, A. A.
Smith A A

Complex author names Enter multiple authors on separate lines. See example de Gaulle, Charles
Smith, Alfred, Jr.
Multiple authors  Include as many authors as known on separate lines. If all authors are not known, enter et al. or and others as the last author name, followed by a comma. Smit AA
et al.
Corporate authors Name organization with a following comma. This prevents EndNote from inverting the name. World Health Organization, 
More corporate authors Enter two commas between organizations and none at the end World Health Organization, OECD


2. Example for other fields

The scale and the feather: a suggested evolution
125-128 (or: 125-28)
November 22


3. Attach a PDF file to the reference

You can attach almost any type of file to the File Attachment fields of a reference.

  • Select References > File Attachment > Attach File. Locate the file and double click on it to attach a copy.
  • If you want to create a link to the file instead, select References > File Attachment > Attach File. Go to the bottom left corner of the page and uncheck 'Copy this file to the default file attachment folder and create a relative link', find the required file and double click on it.

4. Saving and Editing

  • Once you have entered all the required information click on the second X at the top right corner. Click Save.
  • Your reference will now appear in the Preview or Tab panel at the bottom of the screen (as will any highlighted reference).
  • To edit - highlight and edit in the PDF & Quick Edit tab in the Preview panel or double click on the reference to open.