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EndNote: Importing references

A guide to using EndNote X9

FAQs Importing references

Every database has different options for exporting references. Follow the right steps for exporting.
More information about importing reference lists.

It is important to choose the proper import filter for importing these references. The most common import filers are: 

Database Output format Import filter
EBSCO Databases RIS Reference Manager (RIS)
Google Scholar scholar.enw EndNote Import
ProQuest RIS Reference Manager (RIS)
PubMed citations.nbib Pubmed(NLM
The Cochrane Library RIS (EndNote) Reference Manager (RIS)
Web of Science Export to EndNote Desktop Web of Science Core Collection
Step 1: Export your citations from Mendeley
  1. Open Mendeley desktop
  2. Select all your citations in your library by clicking on Edit and then Select All. Or press Control-A
  3. Click on File > Export
  4. Select where you want to save the File
  5. Click on the dropdown box labeled Save as type. Select: RIS-Research Information Systems (*.ris)

Step 2: Import the Mendeley-file in EndNote
  1. Open your EndNote Library and select File > Import > File
  2. Choose the file you want to import. Select Import Option > Reference Manager (RIS)
Step 1: Export your citations from Zotero (web)
  1. Open the Zotero Web Library
  2. Select the items you want to export
  3. Click the Export icon and use export as RIS
Step 2: Import the Zotero-file in EndNote
  1. Open your EndNote Library and select File > Import > File
  2. Choose the file you want to import. Select Import Option > Reference Manager (RIS)