❶ Modify search
Change your current search in the search menu above the results. To empty the search box, click 'Clear'. Note: this does not remove the filters you set in your current search. For a new search, click on the button 'New Search' in the upper left corner.
❷ Sort order: Relevance
Relevance is the default sort order. Click on the arrow to change the sort order of your results. Options include Date Newest. Date Oldest, Author, and Source.
❸ Limits/filters
Use the 'Limit To' feature to apply limits to refine (filter) your results. Do NOT check 'Linked Full Text' -- use the TiUfinder instead (see 4). Other available limits are Publication Date, Source Types, Subject, Publication, etc.
❹ Full Text via TiUfinder
Most records don't have full text available from EconLit, and you may only have a link to view the publication details, such as descriptors, keywords and abstract. A ''Full Text via TiUfinder" link (and a clickable TiUfinder icon) will appear when the full text (PDF) is accessible from the library's licensed resources. Other links to the full text (e.g., ) are occasionally visible as well.