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InfoSkills for Economics and Management

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1.1. EconLit: Advanced Search page

The Advanced Search is EconLit's front page.

Search rules

  • Boolean operators
    • Use the Boolean operator AND combine search terms so that each search result contains all of the terms. 
    • Use OR to find any of the terms. 
    • Use NOT to exclude terms so that each search result does not contain any of the terms that follow it.
  • Nesting
    For more controlled searching, use parentheses to override the default operator precedence (AND, OR, NOT).
  • Phrase searching
    To search for an exact phrase, use quotation marks around your search term: "firm performance".
  • Truncation & wildcard symbols
    • The truncation character is the asterisk (*), used to replace one or more characters. The truncation character can be used at the end, or in the middle of a word.
      For example, searching for econom* will find economy, economics, economical, etc..
    • The wildcard is represented by a ? or a pound sign #.
      • To use the ? wildcard, enter your search terms and replace each unknown character with a ? EconLit finds all citations of that word with the ? replaced by a letter. For example, type ne?t to find all documents containing neat, nest or next. Note that EconLit does not find net because the wildcard replaces a single character.
      • To use the # wildcard, enter your search terms, adding the # in places where an alternate spelling may contain an extra character. EconLit finds all documents in which the word appears with or without the extra character. For example, type colo#r to find all citations containing color or colour.
  • Field searching
    When running a search, the search default is set to 'All fields', which searches the full record (all indexed fields but NOT the full text). Other search fields can chosen from the pull-down menu such as All Text, Author, Abstract, Subject, and Source (e.g., journal title).

Publication Date 

The Publication Date filter defaults to search 'All time'. Choose 'Custom range' to filter your results to a certain date range. 

❸ Other filters: Publication Type, Geographic Region

  • The Publication Type filter includes Book, Book Review, Collective Volume Article (e.g., book chapter), Dissertation, Journal Article, and Working Paper. 
  • The Geographic Region filter is used to restrict your search to documents about specific regions such as Asia, Northern America, or Europe. 

❹ Linked Full Text

By selecting Linked Full Text, you can limit your search to only return items that include full text. However, publications that are not full-text accessible in EconLit MAY be accessible through the TiU Library. Therefore, it's wise to leave this filter unchecked.

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