❶ Sort order
You can rearrange the order of your results. The default is set to Sort by Relevance. You can change this by selecting the drop down menu to the right of the Export button. Sorting by Citations: highest first, can be very useful for finding the most well known articles in a topic. Other sort orders include Date: newest first, Date: oldest first, and more.
❷ Filtering results
Use the 'Refine Results' feature to refine (filter) your results. The first option is to search within the results. Some of the main filters include:
- Publication Years;
- Document Types: e.g. articles, review articles, book chapters, proceedings papers (published conference papers);
- Web of Science Categories: broad fields of study;
- Authors, and
- Publication Titles: in most cases: journal titles.
❸ Finding the full text of an article
Web of Science provides multiple options for getting full text:
- 'Free Full Text from Publisher' means that the article is open access;
- 'Free Published or Accepted Article from Repository' means that the article has been deposited in a repository. An accepted article is a pre-print version of the article (not in its final published form yet). Choose the published version of the article, if available.
- 'Full text from Publisher', which will bring you to the publisher's website. This button may lead you to the full text for free, but some publishers charge you for access to full text. Don't ever pay for an article! If it turns out that the TiU library doesn't have access to the article, you can still get it from the Interlibrary Loan system.
- The 'TiUfinder', which will often -- but not always -- lead you to the article's full text from another TiU database.
❹ Citation searching
For every result (unless it was published recently) a clickable citation count is displayed, telling you how often the result has been cited by other publications indexed in Web of Science. Clicking on the Citations link will bring you to results (mostly articles) that cite the article in question.
❺ Starting a new search or modifying current search
If you want to start a new search or add additional criteria to your current search, just click the search box. This gives you options to reset all search fields.