WorldCat Discovery contains a lot of information, however not everything is available through this search engine. To make sure that you find all the available (digital) material, we recommend you to look in the specialized databases. It has already been mentioned: WCD doesn't include all the articles the TiU library has access to. When you're looking for books, WCD is definitely your best choice.
For other types of sources it's a different story. WCD includes many journal articles -- but not all the articles the TiU library has access to.
The TiU library subscribes to a wide range of databases: some cover all subject areas (e.g. Web of Science), some cover particular types of publications (e.g. newspapers) and some cover specific subject areas (e.g. PsycINFO, Sociological Abstracts).
Which database(s) to use? That depends on the subject area and/or the type of material you need. In practice, a large portion of the information you're going to need will be scholarly articles. So let's concentrate on academic databases from this point onwards.
Watch this 2.28 minute video.
Source: North Carolina State University Libraries. Published under a Creative Commons 3.0 BY-NC-SA US license.
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by Tilburg University.