Does Worldcat Discovery include all articles the library has access to?
No. Some of the articles available via the library may not be found directly in WCD.
Suppose you have found an article citation in your textbook, syllabus, or an article that is relevant to your topic. Don't give up if you don't find the article in WCD. The article may be accessible using the A-Z Journal list. This resource lists all journals that the TiU library holds in print or provides online access to.
To find the article you want, search in the A-Z Journal list for the journal in which the article was published. Is the journal available? You'll need to check if the required volume and issue are covered.
How to find a journal article using the A-Z Journal list
Suppose you want the following article:
Author: Gerhart, P. F.
Article title: Employee privacy rights in the United States.
Journal title: Comparative Labor Law Journal
Volume: 17 (1995-1996)
Issue: 1
Pages: 175-205
The screenshots below will walk you through the whole process. Start from the University library homepage.