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Research Integrity

Tilburg University is committed to protecting and guaranteeing scientific integrity.

Institutions’ duties of care

Institutions have a duty of care to provide a supportive and safe working environment that promotes good research practices. They must ensure that researchers feel responsible, accountable, and able to discuss errors and concerns without fear of blame ("blame-free reporting"). These duties are essential for upholding research standards and apply across different levels within the institution, placing specific obligations on supervisors, principal investigators, research directors, managers, and executive board members. This section summarizes these duties. A comprehensive overview of the standards is available in Chapter 4 of the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.

Training and supervision

The organization should train staff on fostering a work environment that supports responsible research practices. Additionally, the organization ensures that PhD candidates are supervised by qualified and experienced individuals. Transparent and fair procedures for appointments, promotions, and remuneration should be implemented to maintain equity and trust within the institution.

Research Culture

The institution should foster an open, safe, and inclusive research culture where researchers can openly discuss research standards and hold each other accountable. When non-compliance is reported, the organization must take appropriate action. To prevent such issues, the institution should provide clear guidance and develop protocols that support researchers in maintaining good research practices.

Data Management

The institution should ensure safe and secure data storage, managing it in accordance with the permitted retention period. Data should be clearly labeled to maintain organization and clarity. Wherever possible, data should be made open and accessible while ensuring that confidentiality is maintained.

Publication and dissemination

The institution should ensure that contracts with commissioning parties and funding bodies include fair agreements regarding access to and the publication of data and research materials. Additionally, the institution must guarantee that the public communication of research results is conducted with accuracy and integrity.

Ethical norms and procedures

The institution should conduct ethical reviews when necessary, such as by establishing one or more ethical committees. Policies should be published in easily accessible locations, such as the organization's website. Additionally, the institution should provide counselors ('vertrouwenspersonen') and designate a staff member to handle complaints.