WorldCat Discovery provides access to e-journals and e-books that the TiU library has paid for. In order to view articles or e-books included in WorldCat Discovery (and most other library databases) you need to be authenticated and recognized as a TiU member (staff or student).
Are you using a computer on the campus wired or wireless network? You'll automatically be recognized as a TiU user
Not on campus? Then you may be asked to log in, in order to access the library's online journals and ebooks. Access to the contents is provided through a service called EZproxy. You do not need any special software for this, all links in WorldCat Discovery will automatically support this access. For more information on EZproxy, see
Sometimes a link to an online publication may result in an error message or it may not lead to the actual publication. If you experience any issue with a link, you can let us know using the Report a Broken Link option (1). This opens a feedback form (2) to send us a report. We will investigate the issue. If you select the Request Librarian Assistance option (3) we will inform you of the result of the investigation. If possible, we will send you a working link.