In your work, you present your thinking about your topic, supported and developed by other people’s ideas and information. It is crucial that all ideas taken from a source (whether quoted directly, paraphrased, or summarized) have a citation.
Citing your sources is important for a number of reasons. You need to cite:
Citing a source properly means that you provide citation information in two places:
In-text citations and reference list/bibliography formats - citation styles or referencing styles - are defined in style manuals. Style manuals are guidebooks that tell you how academic writing -- including citations -- is to be formatted. There are a substantial number of style manuals because each discipline has its own requirements. Be sure that you know which style is required before you complete your paper or thesis.
For information about the styles used at Tilburg University: refer to RefCite, our web tutorial on referencing and avoiding plagiarism.
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Most students at our university use APA style in their writing assignments. Since the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (the official APA style manual) is quite a lengthy and complex work, the library has compiled a concise pdf version.
Our APA guide includes 35 examples of common types of citations and reference examples in APA style. The guide is available in Dutch as well as in English.